Scientific name    : Beta Vulgaris
Common name    : Beet grees, Beetrot, Beta Vulgsaris, Garden Beet, Green Beet, Red Beet, Scandinavian Beet : Sugar Beet, Yelloe Beet
Family        : Chenopodiaceae

Herbaceious plant with purple a leafy stem that grows 1-2 met5ers high, heart shaped leaves, flowers in dense and red to purple bulb roots. It contains betalains pigments that give beet yellowish, red to purple colors.

  • Rich In anti-oxidants: carotenoids-vitamin A (lutein, zeaxanthin) betalains, chlorophyll, vitamin C and flavonoids (anthycyanins).
  • excellent source of vitamin B9.
  • Very good source of dietary fibers, amino acid (tryptophan), vitamin C and minerals like copper, iron, magnesium and phosphorus.
  • Also contains the following nutrients: Proteins, omega-3 fatty acid, amino acid, vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, E and K, minerals like calcium, iodine, selenium, sodium, and zinc.
  • Body energizer due to carbohydrate content.
  • Anti tumor or anti-cancer properties. It prevents and fights cancers (breast, lung, stomach, and colon, prostate, testicular) due to betacyanins (betaine) and beta-carotene contents.
  • Cardiovascular protection. It produces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases like hypertension and stroke. It also lowers blood LDL “Bad” cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • Lung protection. It strengthens lung functions. It reduces the risk of developing diseases like asthma.
  • Digestive support. It relieves constipation due to high fiber or cellulose content. It acts also as an acid neutralizer because of its alkaline property thus, preventing ulcer formation.
  • Liver protection. It  stimulates liver function due to its betaines content. It prevents and treats liver disease (fatty liver) due to choline content that acts as liver detoxifier.
  • In pregnancy, it prevents the risk of developing neutral tube defects in the newborn due to folate content.
  • Eye care. It protects and prevents eyes from developing cataract and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) due to high content of vitamin A (beta-carotene).
  • Prevents and treats anemia due to its high iron and copper contents.
  • Anti-inflammatory activity. It inhibits cyclo-oxygenase enzymes (COX-1 and COX-2) that trigger inflammation.
  • Hormonal support. It stimulates sex hormones production due to its boron content and it increases fertility.

BEET is one of the active Ingredients of C24/7 and COMPLETE PHYTO-ENERGIZER.  The complete food supplement in the market today.

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